Tuesday, 11 June 2013

...a day in the life of an aspiring author

I am a little ashamed that this is only my second blog since i created this account as when i first joined e-blogger i had all of these good intentions of blogging all the time; but i admit that i am struggling to find any free time at the moment to do anything other than finishing my book!

Since i do work like most people do, there are just not enough hours in the day to get done what i need to do. Holding down a 9 to 5 job and then coming home to cook a meal and then spend two to three hours writing is exhausting to say the least and i admire anyone who can do that. But i especially admire my lovely husband, who supports me constantly with the hours i spend locked away hunched painfully over a laptop; i know it isn't easy for him and i am very lucky to be married to someone who accepts that an author tends to lead a very solitary existence because writing stories doesn't happen over night, it takes many many many hours of work, silence and most definitely mood swings! It's a challenging existence and yet i persevere because i know it will be rewarding in the end...if i don't collapse in an exhausted heap before then......

Anyway I wanted to use this post as an opportunity to talk about a friend of mine which i am sure he won't mind me doing since it's free advertising for him...

He's someone i met through work (my actual day job, the one which pays the bills....sort of...) and he is an extremely talented person.

Definitely one of those 'trendy cool types', Patrick is an aspiring designer who agreed to design the front cover for my first book. And obviously as with anything where you know someone who could help you out with a project it's always a risk as there is always a slight chance that it won't turn out the way you want it to and so ensues horrible awkwardness and feelings of resentment.

However....that has absolutely not been the case in this instance, everything i have asked for, any ideas i have put forward and any little changes i wanted to make regarding my book cover have been done and then some! I am thrilled with it and i hope that it helps give some well deserved recognition to the designer himself.

People with such a natural talent and flair for creative design who are also very laid back and modest, are a rarity and i am fortunate to now be working with Patrick on the cover for my book and hopefully the books that will follow.

When my cover is finalized i'll post a picture and you'll see what i mean but for now, for anyone with design needs, just visit Patrick's portfolio to view his work at patrickcrosbydesign.com  follow him on twitter @pcrosbydesign  or email for enquiries to patrick@patrickcrosbydesign.com

Oh and Patrick....you owe me money for the 'free advertising....'

Take care all x

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