Sunday, 6 April 2014

Tick tock, tick tock....

Hi :-)

Just a quick note to say what i've been up to lately since it's now the 6th April and I am still writing my first draft of my second book! I really didn't think it would take me this long but i'm enjoying it none the less.

I've pretty much been keeping myself busy writing whenever I can, writing book reviews and reading tons of new and old favorites lately. That and of course doing the usual every day things in life that keep us busy busy busy all the time. I just honestly don't know where all the time goes. It sort of feels like i'm stuck in a loop sometimes, the same day on repeat over and over again and in all that time I never do get to write as much as I want to and the deadlines I set myself get put further back. But I guess that's just the same for any aspiring/author.

Since I can't take my laptop on holiday when I go away in May, i've bought myself a brand spanking new notepad and downloaded tons of new books on my Kindle; i'm going to spend my week lounging by a pool, drinking cocktails and reviewing books to write up when I get home. Okay so maybe i'll write my reviews before I drink the cocktails otherwise the reviews could end up being more comical than beneficial! But I am very much looking forward to some down time with the hubby, even though I will have to drag him away from his Playstation in order to go on holiday in the first place...

I bought Disney's Frozen on DVD last week for my four year old nephew. I have to say that I think I was more engrossed in it than he was! I loved it. I love the fact that Disney characters always have a really hard struggle until they make it through to the other side, I nearly always shed a tear, and Elsa's story was no different. I quietly sniffled into my jumper sleeve a couple of times....And Olaf! Don't even get me started on that cuteness, a snowman who wants it to be summer...oh my! Ha! God I love Disney films! You're never too old for Disney.

My mum has been away in NZ and Australia the last three weeks, isn't it weird how you don't realise how much you see someone until they've gone on the trip of a life time for the better part of a month! I've periodically been round to check up on my dad and my younger brother to make sure they're still alive....which was questionable about my teenage brother who seems to spend most of his days in bed until after lunch time, except on school days. And i'm pretty sure my dad hasn't moved off the couch (other than to go to work) where he has just watched endless episodes of NCIS which I am sure he's seen before. In fact i'm pretty sure that upon mum's return she'll find them both in the exact positions she left them in before she went away....Still i'm sure she's missed them...

And i've finally decided to lose the three stone that a dietician told me to lose two years ago... erm yes i've made the decision but apparently just making the decision doesn't mean you automatically lose the weight :-( shame! So i've been trying to be better with my diet, though I don't like to say that i'm on a diet because the moment I do that I want to eat anything fried or covered in chocolate! But seriously, i'm just trying to cut out some of the bad things like crisps and other snacks and trying to drink more water, which is definitely one of my weaknesses. I've also started to do a bit more exercise which honestly just about kills me because I hate it! I'm one of those people who could actually spend an entire weekend sitting on my bum writing stories and not even realise there is a world outside to see. So any form of physical activity for me is just tiresome, and I don't just mean literally! But still I am trying, that's all any can do. And you never know, maybe in ten years i'll have lost the three stone (better make it four *she says as she eats another chocolate biscuit*)

Wow I just read all of that back and it sort of sounds like a diary, telling you all what i've been doing each very uninteresting! Still the purpose of today's blog was only to point out that I am still working, still blogging, still living! I am just super busy trying to finish my second book and reviewing other author's work too. Yey! So all that's left is to say ttfn xx

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