Saturday, 8 February 2014

It's almost time....

I genuinely cannot believe that it's been so long since I last wrote on my blog..... And that it's been over six months since I had originally said I wanted to publish my first book. Time really does fly!

So due to this and that and other just as lame excuses I have now only just finished my first book! And i'm about to upload it onto Kindle today, the thought of which completely terrifies me. But in the same light I am thrilled and ridiculously proud of myself. I may not be the best author in the world (yet...) but I am beyond ecstatic that I can actually call myself an author now.

In the last year, maybe more, I have learnt a lot about the kind of writer I am and the kind of writer I want to be. I like to think that along the way i've learnt from various mistakes i've made in writing this book, and that i've also learned how to deal with the self-doubt that often plagues even the most talented and gifted authors. So i'm hoping, above anything, that this journey has developed my abilities enough that it won't take me anywhere near as long to write my next book.....

So there it is, just a short note just to check in and now I must get on with something rather important on kindle!

Bye for now.

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