Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Making good use of very little free time

So I was sitting around in bed the other night, after finishing another grueling day at my day job and feeling all kinds of sorry for myself because I felt a bit under the weather. I was a little annoyed to say the least, not wanting to waste what precious free time I actually do get, which is next to nothing at the moment; so I decided that I wanted to share with you, my thoughts on other authors' books' - to make use of any free time I get.

This is for a couple of reasons; the first is that I sincerely love to read, of course I do, I have always read books and am very passionate about reading, so to get to read many books in order to review them, well that's just a hugely exciting thing for me, as geeky as that may seem to others.

The second reason I want to review books is because as an avid book purchaser, I, like many others, tend to be encouraged/discouraged by readers' reviews; so if I can give an honest opinion about a book and it means the difference between a potential reader or someone who misses out on reading a brilliant book, then it's the least I can do for those authors' whose work has inspired, encouraged and motivated me to pursue my own dream of writing stories.

So in between writing my own books, working my day job, keeping my house running (or sort of running, sorry hubby!) and trying to keep some sort of social life afloat, i'm going to start reviewing books from today.

Now i'd love to say "I'll do one a week" but realistically speaking I know that I many not get the time to do that so I will just say that I intend to write at least a couple a month, and any more than that will be an awesome achievement for me and hopefully a benefit to you.

After endlessly scrolling through my Kindle library, procrastinating and indecisively choosing a few firm favorites, i've decided to go with 'Flight' - The Crescent Chronicles by Alyssa Rose Ivy for my first review. So watch this space...


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