Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Summer Rain is finally finished!

So my very first book is FINALLY finished, woo hoo! And it's been a long and at times, a difficult path.

But it's also been a massive learning curve for me too and I am pleased to say that I have accomplished something I have always dreamed of doing; publishing my very own book. High five to me!

Hopefully people will like 'Summer Rain' (link below at bottom of page) as much as I do. However, as much as I am pleased with it, I am, as with most authors, very self critical, so I am already picking fault with the story and it's only been available on Kindle for 12 hours so far....It's such a roller coaster of emotions to do something like this, to have other people read and review your work because there is always that slight possibility that you'll be told you're not good enough, that you're talentless or deluded. And that's the scariest thing in the world; not publishing a book for all the world to see, but the fact that some people will undoubtedly have negative comments. But I remain hopeful and undeterred. For now!

The barrage of feelings aside though, it's still a huge achievement for me and it's given me tons of motivation to continue writing, which I hope I can continue to improve upon with the more experience I gain and the more books I write. I am already thinking of a spin off from Summer Rain, which I had originally planned as being a one off. So watch this space for Taylor and Johnny's story...

My next project is a story called 'Who Am I?' which is centred around a girl called Nora Kensington who wakes up from a coma she's been in for 6 months to find that she doesn't know who she is. She is immediately thrust into a life of riches beyond her wildest dreams, a life that she apparently lived all too comfortably prior to her 'accident' but she doesn't feel as though she belongs anymore. Especially not with a suspicious ex-boyfriend hanging around who gives her a really bad feeling. And then there's the dreams she keeps having, of the vaguely familiar sinister voice, chasing her relentlessly, as she flees for her life.Will she ever regain her lost memories? And find out what really happened the day of her accident?

I'm hoping to have the book finished by Spring 2014, all being well, but in the meantime here's a little exert...

My hair flows wildly behind me as the wind blows through it relentlessly; my hands running freely through the long blades of grass as I run through the fields towards the old and beaten barn in the near distance.
Behind me I can distinctly hear the sound of children’s laughter, high pitched and happy; and my heart warms automatically at the thought of the delight on their faces as they play happily.
A voice calls to me from somewhere, but I can’t see anyone as I look around at my strange surroundings.
I instantly know the voice is coming from the barn, so I carry on running towards it curiously.
A figure abruptly emerges in front of me, startling me at first. It’s a boy, or a man maybe, with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. But before I can get nearer to him, he disappears before my eyes. And I feel bereft, lost, alone.
The voice sounds different now, it’s somehow taken on a sinister tone; whereas before it felt serene and inviting, now it feels wrong, wicked even; and I feel as though I must flee from it.
My heart beats faster as fear pumps adrenaline through my body at a hundred miles per hour. I don’t know why but I feel it’s imperative to get away from that voice; I think my life might depend on it.
“You can’t run from me Nora…” the voice says, causing an ache in my chest akin to what I think a heart attack must feel like.
I am shaking with fear now, knowing that I can’t escape it, when all of a sudden my pounding heart stops.
I drop to the floor, short of breath and gasping for air, my vision begins to fail. As I begin to lose consciousness a sudden and terrifying jolt hits me in the chest, causing me to convulse momentarily as electricity charges through every part of me.

And just like that, I black out.

Hopefully you're intrigued? Me too! I almost wish I could find out what happens right now...


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