Sunday, 17 August 2014

Exert from upcoming book

Once again my intentions to be super organised and the world's best blogger have failed dismally! In my defense however i've had a busy time at work recently, a million personal things to deal and now to top it all I got a new dog!! His name is Bentley, he's an 8 month old Beagle and he is utterly adorable (if not a little naughty....)

Excuses aside however I am desperately trying to finish my next book before the end of this year.

Now before I let you see the exert from the book I want to explain a bit about it. This book is the very first book that made me seriously consider being a writer. Over ten years ago now, the idea for this book randomly sprang into my mind one day. However being young and not having much direction in my life back then as a teenager I never followed the idea through. But needless to say that book idea has stayed with me all this time.

When I published my first book at the beginning of this year, i'd decided to go with a simple and easy to read romance book because I do love anything to do with love! But my first love when it comes to book genres is anything supernatural/paranormal and that's always been the direction i've wanted my writing to go in. It just seemed a little bit out of reach to me as a first novel, having had no experience writing novels before - hence why I published a romance first. Now I was going to wait, publish a few more romance books and gain some valuable experience in order to help me write things of a more complex nature but just recently i've felt desperate to finish my first idea for a novel and I consequently have big plans for it.

This is the first book in a series - though at the moment I am unsure how many more books there will be to follow it, maybe one, maybe two, i'm not entirely sure; i'm just going to see where the writing takes me.....

So here goes - please find below an exert from book one in the Althea Academy series - Eden.

Any comments/thoughts you may have are always welcome.

Enjoy x


When I was a child I used to have the most bizarre and strangely animated dreams.
I dreamed of faraway lands that no one knew existed and people with super human powers existing knowingly among us.
My mother and father always used to tell me that I had a wonderful imagination to dream up such fantastic stories and that I should embrace it, revere it and be proud that I was capable of such imaginary wonder. They would laugh gleefully at my stories, as though I was the world’s best story teller and as a child I gratefully accepted their adoration.
So I would spend endless hours acting out my dreams in reality with my best friend Daniel. We would play in my garden from sun up to sun down, pretending to be super heroes, laughing with the frivolity of it all, as kids do, as we pretended to save people from baddies who could incinerate you with fire balls from their hands. In my early years I could think of no better way to spend a day.
Only as the years passed, my once awe inspiring dreams became nightmares I could never have imagined; the bad people gradually started to turn into unthinkable monsters that I could not even comprehend; monsters who did unspeakable things with such malice a child could never understand. They gave me chills even in my waking moments and I was too scared to think about them, let alone pretend to fight against them with my pretend powers which felt altogether less powerful somehow by comparison.
So we stopped playing our favourite make believe game, Daniel and I, from then onwards. And I faced the unavoidable nightly dreams by myself; throwing myself into life any way I could think of in order to exhaust myself in the hopes of a deep dreamless slumber each night.
I questioned my sanity on more than one occasion as I grew up; seeing how happy and content all of my friends were with their lives, seemingly unaffected by nightmarish entities who felt so real I could almost touch them.
But as the years passed, the older I got and with help from a psychiatrist my parents insisted I go to, the dreams plagued me less and less until one day they stopped happening altogether. And now as a teenager I could hardly remember the other worlds I’d created in my head or the happiness and comfort I’d felt at being around the fictitious people with super human strength.
But I never forgot the nightmares, no matter how hard I tried; the monsters, the bad people who made my skin crawl and the other one that haunted me even now to this day. I never forgot about her; the girl with the red tipped hair and black ink crawling up her neck, staring back at me with a passionate fire in her eyes. She was more terrifying than any of the others I’d ever dreamed of.
Why was this fierce looking girl more frightening than some big ass scary monsters, you ask?
Well that was easy.....
She was scary because she was me.
My name is Eden Jefferson and this is a story of how you shouldn’t always believe your parents when they tell you nightmares are just a figment of an over active imagination; sometimes your worst nightmares are real. 

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Review Blast - Intoxicating Passion box set (Author - Felicia Tatum)

Good morning fellow story lovers!
I have recently had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Felicia Tatum’s ‘Intoxicating Passion’ box set as part of a review blast for the author. I hope you find this review encouraging and enjoy my thoughts on this well written set of novellas.

ttfn x

Title - Intoxicating Passion Box Set
Author - Felicia Tatum
Genre - New Adult Contemporary Romance
Journey with Korah and Dane in the Intoxicating Passion box set, as they battle their individual demons on the way to finding a way to care for one another.
Korah Daniels is a nineteen-year-old college student dealing with the aftermath of leaving an abusive relationship. After letting down her guard, she meets a sexy guy at a Halloween party, but quickly realizes her past isn’t as far gone as she hoped. Will she be able to run from her abuser? Will she continue to hold her heart dearly or will the mysterious Zorro find a way through?
Dane Davidson is the ultimate playboy, never sticking around for more than one night. When he encounters Angel Eyes, he discovers his heart isn’t as locked up as he imagined. The more he learns of her, the greater he desires her, and wants to protect her. Will Dane be able to let go of his past so he can have a future? Will Korah be the one who makes him want to change?
The five Intoxicating Passion novelettes take you along with Dane and Korah, as they face the answers to life’s biggest questions.

My Review:
My overall impression of this story as a whole is FANTASTIC! But I appreciate that you (like me!) may need more than just a one word summary to inspire you to click that download button; so here goes…
Intoxicating Passion is a set of 5 short stories (novelettes) making up one whole story. The story focusses on two main characters, Korah Daniels and Dane Davidson; both immediately likable in their own way. With Korah you get the immediate sense that she is someone who has had some bad stuff happen in her past that affects her attitude towards things in the present. She comes across as slightly impatient sometimes, a little socially anxious and she doesn’t like being in the limelight at all, preferring to be more of an observer in any situation. And there is one thing that is also loudly evident about her; she has very little faith in men. Unfortunately due to a not so nice past with an abusive ex-boyfriend Korah automatically puts men into ‘types’ when she meets them and she’s quick to judge them without really getting to know them. When you find out what she’s endured however, you find yourself understanding why she acts like this. But she never once acts like a victim though; if anything it’s obvious she is just trying to get on with her life as best she can and the only times we see her past actually affecting her is when she gets upset sometimes and cuddles her childhood soft toy ‘Elle’ for comfort.

The main male character, Dane Daniels, immediately doesn’t come across as the perfect guy; far from it in fact. From the get go it’s clear he’s a player, a total womaniser who will be far from the typical prince charming love interest. But it is also immediately apparent that he uses his physical relationships as a way not to deal with his actual emotions, masking a pain he doesn’t want to feel. Dane clearly has issues with women from his own past experiences and it seems it’s always his first instinct to run away rather than face the issues. He’s infuriating in the sense that he just refuses to deal with his emotions, choosing instead to run away from them, convinced that his womanising is the way to forget his feelings and move on. But when you get past the fact that you kind of want to slap him in the face, he is actually very likable and you find yourself wanting to tell him it’s going to be okay; you’re sort of rooting for him from the beginning even though you want to punch him!

Both characters face problems unique to themselves, throughout the story as it unfolds. For Korah it’s the abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend that hinders her chances at having a happy ever after with anyone else because she can’t help but see the worst in any man she meets. Unfortunately for her, the one guy she instantly feels an attraction for is your typical bad boy who loves to sleep with a new woman every night. So this fuels her belief that men are bad and they can’t be trusted. She has a hard time with this fact, especially because no matter what she does, she can’t rid herself of her ever increasing feelings for Dane. For Dane, his problems stem from his past with women; being heart broken by a girl and then his trust in women being obliterated by his mother only enforces to him that women only hurt you if you let them into your heart. So his journey really begins the moment he first lays eyes on Korah because of the instant effect she has on him (which he rebels against every step of the way) causing him to have to deal with the feelings he tries to keep buried.

On the whole the story basically tells the tale of these two characters getting into an emotional game of not only battling their own feelings with past issues but also their feelings for one another. Korah can’t deny that she is attracted to Dane physically; she can’t stop herself ogling him on more than one occasion but always reprimands herself for doing it because she thinks she knows his type. And her lack of faith in men is always there at the back of her mind telling her that Dane will just hurt her, that he’s just after one thing. Dane on the other hand tries desperately not to feel anything besides physical attraction to Korah because sexual feelings are easier to deal with; with the other types of feelings, he can’t handle them because they scare him to death. But the two of them are unable to stop being drawn to each other no matter how hard they fight it. In every encounter they share they must endure an infectious sexual chemistry that literally leaps off the page at you and more often than not it sparks an argument between them because they constantly try to fight it, getting mad at each other when really they’re just mad at themselves for not having any control over their feelings. 

It was a refreshing change to read characters who weren't stereotypically perfect and who didn’t have perfect fairytale lives. It made them seem more real somehow because they both had issues and flaws. I think because of this Korah and Dane helped to heal each other in ways only someone who is broken can do; they both understood that if you want to move forward all you can do is try rather than ‘hey presto’ everything is fixed and we’re happy now.

My favourite part of the book was in book five, at the end when Dane decides that the ‘elusive four letter word’ may not be so elusive after all and he wants to tell Korah that he loves her. When he tells her he needs to talk and she sees that he is evidently nervous, she automatically assumes that he’s going to end things with her and she tells him it’s okay, getting upset in the process. Dane is shocked when he realises that she thought he wanted to break up and he explains that he wants her to be his girlfriend and that he loves her. Korah tells Dane that although she has enjoyed her time with him she wants more; she wants all of him, even his scarred heart. She is under no illusion that Dane isn’t your regular perfect prince charming but he is real and he cares for her. She appreciates that happily ever after doesn’t mean being happy 100% of the time and she’s okay with that. Dane assures her that they will make it work and that he’s in it for the long haul as she is stuck with him now because he won’t let her go.

Although I wasn’t sure it would work, being a set of five short stories, I was surprised to find that I actually loved it! Whereas with a lot of novels, you can often get dragged down by the pages and pages of descriptive background story; with these novelettes that isn’t the case at all. I think it’s fairly similar to watching a 30 minute television show; from the offset you’re thrown into the story and due to the short length of each book, every page has some sort of action that propels the story forwards rapidly so by the end of the ‘episode’ you feel like shouting ‘NOOOOOOO!’ because you’re hanging on the edge of your seat desperate for a continuation. It really did work very well and I’d be encouraged to read more of these types of books. The actual writing style was easy to read, making the story easy to follow which is always a must when I choose a book to read. And the suspense element, as I said before about there being something happening on every page, I was eager to turn each and every page just to find out what was going to happen. A definite page turner!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a love story that isn’t as straight cut as ‘girl meets boy, they fall in love, the end’. This book has a lot of ups and downs and both characters endure a fair bit of emotional torment whilst fighting against issues that have plagued them for a long time. But the struggle is actually what makes the ending so much happier because although they don’t sail off into the sunset, happily ever after; their acceptance of each other and their admittance of their feelings makes all of the bad things they’ve been through feel totally worth it. I guarantee you will love this story as much as I did and afterwards you’ll be looking for your very own Dane Davidson to fix!


About the Author-
Felicia Tatum was born and raised in Tennessee. She always loved reading, and at the age of twelve began writing. Her passion for creating stories grew and in May 2012, she finally wrote her first novel, The White Aura.
She still lives in Tennessee with her daughter and her kitty. She loves cooking and books. Animals are some of her best friends. She watches a lot of Disney channel and often dreams up new book ideas. She's currently working on various other projects.


Blast Schedule
April 25th-
Girls Heart Books Tours (Schedule)
Booksniffer Book Reviews-Review
Crazy Cajun Book Addicts- Review
Sexyways of Reading-Review
Big Girls Heart Books -Review
Novel Grounds -Review
Gone Insane Will Be Back Later-Review
Deal Sharing Aunt -Spotlight
Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons, Authors - Spotlight
Stressed Rach - Spotlight
My Devotional Thoughts- Spotlight
Becca Anne’s Book Reviews- Spotlight
Girly Girl Book Reviews- Spotlight

April 26th-
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic-Review
Bibliophile Mystery-Spotlight
Ms. ME28-Review
K & S Book Blog-Review
Out There Reviews & Stuff -Review
Kristina’s Books & More -Review
KJ Reads a Lot- Review
Girls Heart Books Tours -Spotlight
Write Away Bliss - Spotlight
Book Crazy Reviews - Spotlight
Kimber Leigh Writes- Spotlight
Relaxed Reads- Spotlight
A Cauldron of Books - Spotlight

April 27th-
Roxy’s Reviews -Review
Book Briefs -Review
Penny For My Thoughts Book Blog -Review
Crazy Book Chicks Naughty and Nice -Review
Not Enough Hours in the Day -Review
We Stole Your Book Boyfriend -Review
So Many Reads -Review
Amazeballs Book Addicts - Review
Sneaky Reading -Review
Literaria -Review
The Pleasure of Reading Today -Spotlight
Indy Book Fairy- Spotlight
Bookaholic Anom- Spotlight
The Avid Reader- Spotlight
Bookworm Betties- Spotlight
Sweet Treat Reading Reviews- Spotlight

Upcoming Review Blast - 'Intoxicating Passion' box set by Felicia Tatum

Hi all,

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning i'll be posting a review on the 'Intoxicating Passion' box set by Felicia Tatum as part of a review blast. I am very excited about it!!

Hope you all enjoy reading. x

See below for the blast schedule.

April 25th-
Girls Heart Books Tours (Schedule)
Booksniffer Book Reviews-Review
Crazy Cajun Book Addicts- Review
Sexyways of Reading-Review
Big Girls Heart Books -Review
Novel Grounds -Review
Gone Insane Will Be Back Later-Review
Deal Sharing Aunt -Spotlight
Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons, Authors - Spotlight
Stressed Rach - Spotlight
My Devotional Thoughts- Spotlight
Becca Anne’s Book Reviews- Spotlight
Girly Girl Book Reviews- Spotlight

April 26th-
Ramblings of a Book Lunatic-Review
Bibliophile Mystery-Spotlight
Ms. ME28-Review
K & S Book Blog-Review
Out There Reviews & Stuff -Review
Kristina’s Books & More -Review
KJ Reads a Lot- Review
Girls Heart Books Tours -Spotlight
Write Away Bliss - Spotlight
Book Crazy Reviews - Spotlight
Kimber Leigh Writes- Spotlight
Relaxed Reads- Spotlight
A Cauldron of Books - Spotlight

April 27th-
Roxy’s Reviews -Review
Book Briefs -Review
Penny For My Thoughts Book Blog -Review
Crazy Book Chicks Naughty and Nice -Review
Not Enough Hours in the Day -Review
We Stole Your Book Boyfriend -Review
So Many Reads -Review
Amazeballs Book Addicts - Review
Sneaky Reading -Review
Literaria -Review
The Pleasure of Reading Today -Spotlight
Indy Book Fairy- Spotlight
Bookaholic Anom- Spotlight
The Avid Reader- Spotlight
Bookworm Betties- Spotlight

Sweet Treat Reading Reviews- Spotlight

Monday, 14 April 2014

Making the most of being tired...

God I annoy myself with how crap I am at writing on my blog! Unfortunately I'm just one of those people who starts each week with all good intentions...

'This week I'm going to exercise every day and lose a dress size by Sunday...'
'This week I'm only going to eat clean meals, no processed crap will make its way past my lips...'
'My house is going to look like a palace all week, I'm going to keep it so clean...' 
'I am going to write at least 50,000 words this week...' 
'I'm going to write at least twice on my blog this week...' 

Do any of these statements sound familiar to you too?

For some reason even though I start every week full of promise to be my perfect self it just never turns out that way. And not because I'm lazy! But because as I'm always saying, life just gets in the way. That or I'm just too tired to do anything after a long and grueling day at the office. So I decided tonight to make the most of being exhausted for once, rather than sitting in my nice, warm and comfy bed just reading my Kindle (which is my perfect night I might add...) I thought I'd make better use of my time by using 'chill out' time to update my blog and carry on with my book reviews. Yey! 

And it's definitely time to make my blog be all pretty and awesome since (very excitingly) I'm taking part in a Review Blast on April 27th for another author. I am so excited about it too! I've already read the material and have put together some notes ready to write my reviews. Eek! 

Whist I'm ridiculously excited about the book reviewing at the moment, I am also stupidly enthusiastic about the books I'm writing - which I guess you would hope I would be, trying to be an author and all that. The only problem is I realised the other day that I am actually working on 9 different stories at the moment and I have no idea how that happened! 

Well actually I do...

I can be half way through writing a very exciting chapter in one book and abruptly have an idea for another story at the same time. Who knows what triggers that!? But anyway, so i'll rush through to finish the chapter I'm writing and then i'll open another document straight away and start to write a new story with no real prior planning...And that's how I've ended up with 9 stories on the go. I've seriously  tried to reprimand myself for it and I've tried to be more stern with myself and the way I plan stories and organise writing time but honestly that's just how I work best, truth be told. I am one of those authors who gets bored easily and when I get bored, you can tell in my writing so I find the best way to keep my writing as good as I think it can be, is to keep shaking things up, swapping and changing between stories because then each and every time I come to add more to one of them, I'm looking at it with fresh and exciting eyes once again. My process wouldn't work for everyone however and if I was a full time writer I may well work differently but for now this is how I keep my writing mojo at its best. 

So my hubby has just brought me a cup of tea and I'm taking that as my cue to end this post and go write another thousand words of...well who knows which book but it'll definitely be one of them... :-)

ttfn xx 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Tick tock, tick tock....

Hi :-)

Just a quick note to say what i've been up to lately since it's now the 6th April and I am still writing my first draft of my second book! I really didn't think it would take me this long but i'm enjoying it none the less.

I've pretty much been keeping myself busy writing whenever I can, writing book reviews and reading tons of new and old favorites lately. That and of course doing the usual every day things in life that keep us busy busy busy all the time. I just honestly don't know where all the time goes. It sort of feels like i'm stuck in a loop sometimes, the same day on repeat over and over again and in all that time I never do get to write as much as I want to and the deadlines I set myself get put further back. But I guess that's just the same for any aspiring/author.

Since I can't take my laptop on holiday when I go away in May, i've bought myself a brand spanking new notepad and downloaded tons of new books on my Kindle; i'm going to spend my week lounging by a pool, drinking cocktails and reviewing books to write up when I get home. Okay so maybe i'll write my reviews before I drink the cocktails otherwise the reviews could end up being more comical than beneficial! But I am very much looking forward to some down time with the hubby, even though I will have to drag him away from his Playstation in order to go on holiday in the first place...

I bought Disney's Frozen on DVD last week for my four year old nephew. I have to say that I think I was more engrossed in it than he was! I loved it. I love the fact that Disney characters always have a really hard struggle until they make it through to the other side, I nearly always shed a tear, and Elsa's story was no different. I quietly sniffled into my jumper sleeve a couple of times....And Olaf! Don't even get me started on that cuteness, a snowman who wants it to be summer...oh my! Ha! God I love Disney films! You're never too old for Disney.

My mum has been away in NZ and Australia the last three weeks, isn't it weird how you don't realise how much you see someone until they've gone on the trip of a life time for the better part of a month! I've periodically been round to check up on my dad and my younger brother to make sure they're still alive....which was questionable about my teenage brother who seems to spend most of his days in bed until after lunch time, except on school days. And i'm pretty sure my dad hasn't moved off the couch (other than to go to work) where he has just watched endless episodes of NCIS which I am sure he's seen before. In fact i'm pretty sure that upon mum's return she'll find them both in the exact positions she left them in before she went away....Still i'm sure she's missed them...

And i've finally decided to lose the three stone that a dietician told me to lose two years ago... erm yes i've made the decision but apparently just making the decision doesn't mean you automatically lose the weight :-( shame! So i've been trying to be better with my diet, though I don't like to say that i'm on a diet because the moment I do that I want to eat anything fried or covered in chocolate! But seriously, i'm just trying to cut out some of the bad things like crisps and other snacks and trying to drink more water, which is definitely one of my weaknesses. I've also started to do a bit more exercise which honestly just about kills me because I hate it! I'm one of those people who could actually spend an entire weekend sitting on my bum writing stories and not even realise there is a world outside to see. So any form of physical activity for me is just tiresome, and I don't just mean literally! But still I am trying, that's all any can do. And you never know, maybe in ten years i'll have lost the three stone (better make it four *she says as she eats another chocolate biscuit*)

Wow I just read all of that back and it sort of sounds like a diary, telling you all what i've been doing each very uninteresting! Still the purpose of today's blog was only to point out that I am still working, still blogging, still living! I am just super busy trying to finish my second book and reviewing other author's work too. Yey! So all that's left is to say ttfn xx

Friday, 21 February 2014

Book Review #1 - 'Flight' (The Crescent Chronicles) by Alyssa Rose Ivy


Since Alyssa Rose Ivy has very recently released a novella for the Crescent Chronicles series, and I read that rather eagerly and in record time, just desperate for even an inkling of an insight into some of my favorite characters; it put me in the mood to re-read the whole story from the very beginning, thus explaining my choice of 'Flight' for my first book review.

In short, the story is centred around a mature eighteen year old girl called Allie, who is looking to spend her last summer before starting college in a new and hopefully (she wishes) an exciting way.
Allie and her best friend Jess head to New Orleans after receiving a job offer from Allie's dad, to work in his hotel. But unbeknownst to Allie however, the hotel basement houses the headquarters to a powerful supernatural Society, a world which she becomes unwillingly thrust into thanks to the over confident hottie she meets; Levi Laurent, who also just so happens to be one of those supernaturals.

What I liked the most about Allie as the main character, was the fact that she wasn't your typical flaky girl; and by that I mean that she didn't immediately fall in love with Levi and therefore spend her entire inner dialogue swooning over him. If anything, Allie fights her feelings for Levi throughout the book, torn between the intensity of her feelings for the over confident Pteron prince and the fact that she doesn't want to get too close to him after her failings with previous relationships (and later in the book because he hurts her).

Allie goes to New Orleans knowing she has her life pretty much already set out before her; she has firm plans to attend Princeton and seems a mixture of pleased and anxious about it. However, it's obvious from the outset that as much as she appears to have a sensible head on her shoulders, part of her does seek adventure, excitement and thrills of some kind, in order to rebel against the path she feels she's expected to go down.
Her character was immediately likable, but not because she was a 'nice' person, more so because she was a strongly minded individual who wouldn't be intimidated by anyone, even a dangerously strong supernatural shifter who kept trying to push her buttons.

It was refreshing to have a lead female character who wasn't constantly falling all over herself to get with the main male character, spouting confessions of true love on every other page. Her stubborn determination not to have feelings for Levi actually increased the anticipation because it wasn't over as quickly as the usual 'boy meets girl, they fall in love, the end' type of story-line that you often find in the romance genre. I think the last page demonstrated her inner turmoil perfectly, the way she wants to despise Levi and yet can't stop her feelings for him no matter how much she wants to:

Levi pulled me tightly against him. "I love you. I have never felt this way before and the thought of losing you scares me."
"And that's supposed to make everything better?" I bristled. "You love me? It doesn't matter anyway."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't love you." Even as the words left my lips, I knew they weren't true.

Levi was an excellent male lead and if anything there were times he was written so well that I wanted to punch him in the face; which just evidenced how 'real' Alyssa made her characters.
He seemed like a nice guy, obviously gorgeous and a typical player BUT he was also arrogant and over confident and at times completely infuriating, the way he wouldn't take no for an answer and kept pushing Allie in order to get his own way insistently. Maddening!

And the fact that he duped her into becoming his chosen mate....well lets just say I was completely torn on that one. On the one hand I wanted Allie to kick him to the curb immediately; giving her his family's ring under false pretenses and then sleeping with her to 'seal the deal' - of all the most idiotic things he could have done, the silly prince! But on the other hand I did feel that as much as it was a selfish and crazy thing to do, Levi clearly thought he was doing it for the right reasons i.e. that he really felt deeply for Allie and he was scared what would happen when she left for college.
He was just a great character overall, he didn't give too much away, being particularly evasive at times which only added to the intrigue about him and who he really was. I loved him one minute and then hated him the next but it was clear from their very first encounter that Allie and Levi would be perfect for each other because they challenged each other every step of the way; neither one willing to bow to the other's needs; and he did just seem to 'get her' from the start, knowing instinctively that Allie longed for adventure, for something more than her life as it was.

Surprisingly though, one of my favorite characters was actually one of the supporting characters; Jared!
The bad boy of the group, the pain in the arse, argumentative and moody play boy.
As much as Jared could be annoying and sometimes just down right rude, especially to Allie, it was clear there was more to him. Like for example, how it was mentioned in one of the scenes in the boys' apartment that Jared was the tidy one who made sure the place always looked presentable; that wasn't something you would imagine from the guy who could rather quickly go from acting normal to being super pissed off in a second flat.
And whilst I loved Allie and Levi's relationship (every encounter they had having me literally bubbling over with excitement!) I also enjoyed the budding friendship between Jared and Allie towards the end of the book.
After Allie's kidnapping ordeal, it was a nice surprise to find that Jared was the one who saved her, a good change to the usual cliche of the love interest being the knight in shining armor. And it was at that point that I think you could sense their friendship turning around:

"Jared?" I took a few steps towards him, tears of relief and fear slipping down my face.
He opened his arms, pulling me against his chest, letting me cry. 

One of my favorite parts of the story was (not so typically) the part where the Pterons show Allie what they really are; jumping off the roof and having Allie convinced that they were jumping to their deaths.
I thought it was a really good way to introduce her to what/who they were; no serious lengthy conversations that can so often feel wordy and rather boring, just a good old show and tell which was kept to a minimum and therefore retained excitement throughout, especially as Allie watches everyone else jump off the building and she's left standing alone with Levi, anticipating what will come next:

"You said you wanted an adventure," he said quietly, teasingly, as he tightened his hold.

The overall thing I truly loved about this story was the fact that it wasn't about vampires or werewolves. Not that I don't like those, I love anything to do with paranormal/supernaturals BUT 'crow-shifters' was a completely amazing concept, so different and exciting and it was great to not be able to predict what would happen in terms of what the Pterons were capable of, what abilities they had etc.compared to vampire/werewolf stories where it's rather obvious what abilities the characters will have.
As much as it sounds complex, it actually wasn't, the story was relatively easy to follow, with the latter part of the book setting the scene with just enough intrigue, for the next book.  

In my eyes, an absolutely wonderful YA book, enjoyable and at times intense. I would certainly recommend this book to anyone who loves all things supernatural and anyone who loves a love story that isn't too predictable or without a few major bumps in the road. But trust me it's setting itself up to become an epic one that will build throughout the series and have you hankering for a love no less intense for yourself!

Hope you enjoyed the review, hopefully it'll make you want to read the book!


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Making good use of very little free time

So I was sitting around in bed the other night, after finishing another grueling day at my day job and feeling all kinds of sorry for myself because I felt a bit under the weather. I was a little annoyed to say the least, not wanting to waste what precious free time I actually do get, which is next to nothing at the moment; so I decided that I wanted to share with you, my thoughts on other authors' books' - to make use of any free time I get.

This is for a couple of reasons; the first is that I sincerely love to read, of course I do, I have always read books and am very passionate about reading, so to get to read many books in order to review them, well that's just a hugely exciting thing for me, as geeky as that may seem to others.

The second reason I want to review books is because as an avid book purchaser, I, like many others, tend to be encouraged/discouraged by readers' reviews; so if I can give an honest opinion about a book and it means the difference between a potential reader or someone who misses out on reading a brilliant book, then it's the least I can do for those authors' whose work has inspired, encouraged and motivated me to pursue my own dream of writing stories.

So in between writing my own books, working my day job, keeping my house running (or sort of running, sorry hubby!) and trying to keep some sort of social life afloat, i'm going to start reviewing books from today.

Now i'd love to say "I'll do one a week" but realistically speaking I know that I many not get the time to do that so I will just say that I intend to write at least a couple a month, and any more than that will be an awesome achievement for me and hopefully a benefit to you.

After endlessly scrolling through my Kindle library, procrastinating and indecisively choosing a few firm favorites, i've decided to go with 'Flight' - The Crescent Chronicles by Alyssa Rose Ivy for my first review. So watch this space...


Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Summer Rain is finally finished!

So my very first book is FINALLY finished, woo hoo! And it's been a long and at times, a difficult path.

But it's also been a massive learning curve for me too and I am pleased to say that I have accomplished something I have always dreamed of doing; publishing my very own book. High five to me!

Hopefully people will like 'Summer Rain' (link below at bottom of page) as much as I do. However, as much as I am pleased with it, I am, as with most authors, very self critical, so I am already picking fault with the story and it's only been available on Kindle for 12 hours so far....It's such a roller coaster of emotions to do something like this, to have other people read and review your work because there is always that slight possibility that you'll be told you're not good enough, that you're talentless or deluded. And that's the scariest thing in the world; not publishing a book for all the world to see, but the fact that some people will undoubtedly have negative comments. But I remain hopeful and undeterred. For now!

The barrage of feelings aside though, it's still a huge achievement for me and it's given me tons of motivation to continue writing, which I hope I can continue to improve upon with the more experience I gain and the more books I write. I am already thinking of a spin off from Summer Rain, which I had originally planned as being a one off. So watch this space for Taylor and Johnny's story...

My next project is a story called 'Who Am I?' which is centred around a girl called Nora Kensington who wakes up from a coma she's been in for 6 months to find that she doesn't know who she is. She is immediately thrust into a life of riches beyond her wildest dreams, a life that she apparently lived all too comfortably prior to her 'accident' but she doesn't feel as though she belongs anymore. Especially not with a suspicious ex-boyfriend hanging around who gives her a really bad feeling. And then there's the dreams she keeps having, of the vaguely familiar sinister voice, chasing her relentlessly, as she flees for her life.Will she ever regain her lost memories? And find out what really happened the day of her accident?

I'm hoping to have the book finished by Spring 2014, all being well, but in the meantime here's a little exert...

My hair flows wildly behind me as the wind blows through it relentlessly; my hands running freely through the long blades of grass as I run through the fields towards the old and beaten barn in the near distance.
Behind me I can distinctly hear the sound of children’s laughter, high pitched and happy; and my heart warms automatically at the thought of the delight on their faces as they play happily.
A voice calls to me from somewhere, but I can’t see anyone as I look around at my strange surroundings.
I instantly know the voice is coming from the barn, so I carry on running towards it curiously.
A figure abruptly emerges in front of me, startling me at first. It’s a boy, or a man maybe, with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. But before I can get nearer to him, he disappears before my eyes. And I feel bereft, lost, alone.
The voice sounds different now, it’s somehow taken on a sinister tone; whereas before it felt serene and inviting, now it feels wrong, wicked even; and I feel as though I must flee from it.
My heart beats faster as fear pumps adrenaline through my body at a hundred miles per hour. I don’t know why but I feel it’s imperative to get away from that voice; I think my life might depend on it.
“You can’t run from me Nora…” the voice says, causing an ache in my chest akin to what I think a heart attack must feel like.
I am shaking with fear now, knowing that I can’t escape it, when all of a sudden my pounding heart stops.
I drop to the floor, short of breath and gasping for air, my vision begins to fail. As I begin to lose consciousness a sudden and terrifying jolt hits me in the chest, causing me to convulse momentarily as electricity charges through every part of me.

And just like that, I black out.

Hopefully you're intrigued? Me too! I almost wish I could find out what happens right now...


Saturday, 8 February 2014

It's almost time....

I genuinely cannot believe that it's been so long since I last wrote on my blog..... And that it's been over six months since I had originally said I wanted to publish my first book. Time really does fly!

So due to this and that and other just as lame excuses I have now only just finished my first book! And i'm about to upload it onto Kindle today, the thought of which completely terrifies me. But in the same light I am thrilled and ridiculously proud of myself. I may not be the best author in the world (yet...) but I am beyond ecstatic that I can actually call myself an author now.

In the last year, maybe more, I have learnt a lot about the kind of writer I am and the kind of writer I want to be. I like to think that along the way i've learnt from various mistakes i've made in writing this book, and that i've also learned how to deal with the self-doubt that often plagues even the most talented and gifted authors. So i'm hoping, above anything, that this journey has developed my abilities enough that it won't take me anywhere near as long to write my next book.....

So there it is, just a short note just to check in and now I must get on with something rather important on kindle!

Bye for now.